Link to GDD (Game Design Document)

Quick Description

In the aftermath of a terrible coup led by a power-hungry alchemist, a sentient shadow creature attempts to find the recipe to turn themselves back to human.

Shadowbound Alchemist is a 2D puzzle platformer where you play as a sentient shadow creature who is trying to create a human body to become human again. Along your adventure, you will encounter several elements that you must capture and combine to overcome the obstacles standing in your way.

Theme Interpretation (Shadows & Alchemy)


Taking the theme of the PirateJam, the “Shadow” theme was interpreted by having the main protagonist be a shadow creature.


The “Alchemy” theme was interpreted more in the format of “combination.” As such, the player can capture multiple elements that would combine and transform into new elements to help them reach the end of each level.


“Arrow Keys” scheme

Arrow up: Jump

Arrow right: Move right

Arrow left: Move left

X: Sucking mechanic

Z: Shooting mechanic

“WASD” scheme

W: Jump

D: Move right

A: Move left

K: Sucking mechanic

J: Shooting mechanic


GDD (Game Design Document)


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first of all, I enjoyed the game. I loved the environment and background.

The steps you need to take are pretty clear, although I would have liked to have had some checkpoint maybe? It's not a long game as it is of course, but I made it to the last jump when I used my cloud a bit too low to make the distance and had to do the whole level over again.

Overall, a fun game!

Thank you for the feedback! We will take checkpoints into consideration :)


Well done. I like the music and SFX. Very relaxing 

Thank you for playing!


Beautiful! I really liked the vibe and the alchemy mechanics

Thank you for playing, glad you enjoyed it!